Where Nephrologists & Trainees Transform Kidney Care Together
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#KIDNEYcon view from an Internal Medicine Resident

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of KIDNEYcon! I had a blast! KIDNEYcon allowed me to add US guided Kidney Biopsy to my repertoire. That is unique opportunity to be able to have a skill set that is physically applicable. I am so grateful to have had the chance to have dedicated hands on teaching time to learn and perfect a procedure I would have otherwise not learn in residency. My outlook of Nephrology is broadened having learned the different aspects of the field as it relates to everything from interventional radiology to critical care through this conference.

It was an amazing weekend. I have learned more than I had hoped for.

Trinh Nguyen, DO
UTMB Internal Medicine Resident
Galveston, TX
2016 KIDNEYcon attendee