Where Nephrologists & Trainees Transform Kidney Care Together
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Making the trek to #KIDNEYcon: medicine resident, Sam Kant reflects

Being enamored by all facets pertaining to the Nephron I decided to trek up to Little Rock and discovered a forum like no other. 

Not only did it cater to the future nephrologist in me, but also the current internal medicine resident. Unique hands on workshops such as 'Ultrasound assessment of intravascular volume' (which also included an introduction to cardiac and chest ultrasound) to talks such as 'Hepatorenal syndrome' helped me when I returned to the floors and ICU. And to top it all, you get to interact with the leaders of the field and experience the great city of Little Rock.

With new additions of acid-base/electrolytes, kidney pathology, and communication skills workshops in 2018-  I cannot wait to return. 

KidneyCon exemplifies the fact that work can be play as well. I look forward to seeing you there.

Sam Kant, MD
PGY2 Internal Medicine Resident
University of Maryland